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This is a contributors guide and NOT a user guide. Please visit these docs if you are using or evaluating SuperTokens.

Add new region

  • SNS

    • Create the following SNS topics
      • CloudWatch_Alarms_US_East_1_EC2
        • Type: Standard
      • CloudWatch_Alarms_US_East_1_ELB
        • Type: Standard
      • CloudWatch_Alarms_US_East_1_Lambda
        • Type: Standard
      • CloudWatch_Alarms_US_East_1_RDS
        • Type: Standard
    • Create subcription for each topic using email address address provided by slack
    • Do confirm subscription for all 4 emails that would come on the slack channel
  • S3

    • Create bucket with name supertokens-saas-{region} (use settings from supertokens-saas-us-east-1 bucket)
    • Create bucket with name supertokens-s3-access-logs-{region} (use settings from supertokens-s3-access-logs-us-east-1 bucket)
    • Bucket Policy for supertokens-saas-{region}:
      {    "Version": "2012-10-17",    "Id": "Policy1594127151493",    "Statement": [        {            "Sid": "Stmt1594127148960",            "Effect": "Allow",            "Principal": "*",            "Action": "s3:GetObject",            "Resource": [                "arn:aws:s3:::supertokens-saas-<region>/*”,                "arn:aws:s3:::supertokens-saas-<region>”            ],            "Condition": {                "StringEquals": {                    "aws:sourceVpc": “<region-vpc>”                }            }        }    ]}
    • Set Block all public access to true
    • Update IAM Policy S3SSLUpdater, listBucketItems, s3crr_for_supertokens-ssl_to_supertokens-saas-us-east-1
    • Add migration policy for supertokens-ssl
    • Add tags:
    • For supertokens-saas-{region} bucket, enable server access logging and set it to s3://supertokens-s3-access-logs-{region}/saas
  • Route 53

    • Add new hosted zone {region}.dns (Private hosted zone)
  • EC2

    • Security Groups:
      • supertokens-nginx-port
        • open port 3567-3600 on the instance
      • dev-postgresql
        • open dev postgres server port to the internet
      • ping-ssh
        • allow ping to instance (no ssh - the name is outdated, but we still keep that)
      • default
        • Update inbound rules to allow 4243 and 5432 port for prod and dev instance
      • ec2-internal-team-access
        • For SSH into these instances for internal team members.
  • Add PostgreSQL RDS

    • Create based on other regions rds
    • For each db instance withing the cluster, add tags:
      • VantaContainsUserData: true
      • VantaDescription: db cluster to store development/production containers data
      • VantaOwner:
    • Add CloudWatch Alarms
      • FreeableMemory Alarm
        • Name: db-{{RDS-cluster-name}} FreeableMemory
        • Type: Metric alarm
        • Namespace: AWS/RDS
        • Metric name: FreeableMemory
        • DbClusterIdentifier: {{db-cluster-identifier}}
        • EngineName: aurora
        • Statistic: Minimum
        • Period: 15 minutes
        • Threshold type: Static
        • Whenever FreeableMemory is...: Lower
        • than…: 52428800
        • SNS
          • Select an existing SNS topic: CloudWatchAlarms{{Region}}_RDS <!--- e.g. US_East_1, should be easy cause it will be in dropdown menu --->
      • FreeStorageSpace Alarm
        • Name: db-{{RDS-cluster-name}} FreeStorageSpace
        • Type: Metric alarm
        • Namespace: AWS/RDS
        • Metric name: FreeStorageSpace
        • DbClusterIdentifier: {{db-cluster-identifier}}
        • EngineName: aurora
        • Statistic: Minimum
        • Period: 15 minutes
        • Threshold type: Static
        • Whenever FreeStorageSpace is...: Lower
        • than…: 1073741824
        • SNS
          • Select an existing SNS topic: CloudWatchAlarms{{Region}}_RDS <!--- e.g. US_East_1, should be easy cause it will be in dropdown menu --->
      • CPUUtilization Alarm
        • Name: db-{{RDS-cluster-name}} CPUUtilization
        • Type: Metric alarm
        • Namespace: AWS/RDS
        • Metric name: CPUUtilization
        • DbClusterIdentifier: {{db-cluster-identifier}}
        • EngineName: aurora
        • Statistic: Maximum
        • Period: 15 minutes
        • Threshold type: Static
        • Whenever CPUUtilization is...: Greater
        • than…: 80
        • SNS
          • Select an existing SNS topic: CloudWatchAlarms{{Region}}_RDS <!--- e.g. US_East_1, should be easy cause it will be in dropdown menu --->
      • ReadIOPS Alarm
        • Name: db-{{RDS-cluster-name}} ReadIOPS
        • Type: Metric alarm
        • Namespace: AWS/RDS
        • Metric name: ReadIOPS
        • DbClusterIdentifier: {{db-cluster-identifier}}
        • EngineName: aurora
        • Statistic: Maximum
        • Period: 15 minutes
        • Threshold type: Static
        • Whenever ReadIOPS is...: Greater
        • than…: 1000
        • SNS
          • Select an existing SNS topic: CloudWatchAlarms{{Region}}_RDS <!--- e.g. US_East_1, should be easy cause it will be in dropdown menu --->
  • System Manager
    • Copy documents from us-east-1 region
  • Lambda

    • Import all functions from eu-west-1
    • For all the functions, create cloudwatch alarm:
      • Errors:
        • Name: {{lambda-function-name}} Errors
      • Type: Metric alarm
      • Namespace: AWS/Lambda
      • Metric name: Errors
      • FunctionName: {{lambda-function-name}}
      • Statistic: Maximum
      • Period: 15 minutes
      • Threshold type: Static
      • Whenever HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count is...: Greater/Equal
      • than…: 1
      • SNS
        • Select an existing SNS topic: CloudWatchAlarms{{Region}}_Lambda
  • VPC

    • Create endpoint of type gateway from s3 service
    • Enable vpc flow logs and set it to s3://supertokens-s3-access-logs-{region}/vpc-flow-logs
  • Cloudwatch

    • For all the log groups in the Logs section, change the retention period to 12 months
  • Make sure to start a dev instance in production
  • Give region SSH keys to team members
  • Add new region to SOC2 software
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